
Photography - Leonardo Bornati

Design - Josh Bristow

Styling - Elena Dini Silvera

Grooming - Simone Piacenti

Hair - Nicole Bellanti

Casting, Studio & Production - CRUDO

Patchwork wool covers (throughout) - Vitelli

Models - John De Keijzer and Gabriele Gratti at Independent

Underwear - Uniqlo, Eyewear - Huma Eyewear, Socks - FALKE, Shoes - Ferragamo

Hat - Stetson, Red Sleeves - Simon Cracker, Trousers - Gams Note, Socks - FALKE, Shoes - Marsell, Bag - Ferragamo, On the bag: Purple Polo - Grifoni, Red Sweater - Simon Cracker, Eyeglasses Chain Holder - Huma Eyewear

A full version of this feature can be found in The Rakish Gent Issue 4.